Sunday, September 3, 2006

Spinach with Portobello (Portobello Mantarlı Ispanak)

1 pound spinach (fresh or frozen)
2 portobellos, finely chopped (you can also use the regular white store mushrooms)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 banana or 1/2 bell peppers, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp pepper paste
1/3 cup white rice
1/2 cup milk (sometimes spinach may leave a gritty taste in your mouth and on your teeth; milk smoothens the taste)
1 cup hot water
1/2 tsp (or as much as you want) black pepper

-Heat the oil in a pot and cook onions and peppers for 3-4 mins
-Add portobellos and stir for 2 minutes on medium heat
-Add flour and stir constantly for 2 more minutes. Watch out, flour can burn easily
-Add pepper paste and stir for another 2 minutes.
-Pour the milk, stir, and add spinach. Once spinach is slightly cooked, when it changes its color, add water.
-When water boils, add rice, black pepper, pepper flakes, and salt
-cover and simmer on low for half an hour or until rice is cooked

It's good with yogurt.


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